Pau Pedra


Pau Pedra

Hi, I am Pau Pedra and I have been the lead programmer for this project. This project I wanted to challenge myself and try to manage a group of people working on a piece of software. I was in charge of managing a group of nine programmers including myself to be able to develop our own engine and after develop a game with it. I also had to maintain good communication with the other teams in the project to be able to maintain a healthy and constant development.

It has been an incredibly hard and time consuming task that has helped me learn a lot about team communication, managing, task control and how to have control over a big piece of software in which many people would work at the same time.

- I have improved my skills using Git branches and learned how to properly merge and control various branches simultaneously using GitHub.
- Practiced on how to manage my time to be able to have control over the project whilst also working on it when possible.
- I used various tools to be able to track the tasks of the programming team such as hacknPlan, Excel and Google Drive.
- Manage a full team of programmers working on a single piece of software creating conventions, TDD and researching various systems.


Coding Conventions
I created a document that held the Coding Conventions for the project. We decided to use camelCase to experiment with it. Some of the conventions were discussed with all programmers so we were all comfortable with them.

Branching Policies
I set some Branching Policies so that it was clear how they would be used and how we would merge and create them. I was responsible for committing the merges and checking that they were done correctly as well as for creating new branches.

I created the TDD which held information about how the project would be worked on for the technical side.

Repository Policies
We decided that we would create two different repositories to hold the development of the project. One held the engine’s development and the other was supposed to hold the game’s development with the compiled engine but unfortunately we did not have enough time to do so.

Prefab System
I implemented a Prefab System which would enable us to work faster when creating and modifying scenes.

Save/Load Scenes System
I created a system to save and load scenes with safety pop ups that would ask to save them before leaving.

Particle System
I helped out finishing the Particle System specially with tying it to our resource system, saving and loading particles and adding textures to the particles.

Environment traps and barrels
I implemented the first iteration of the Sarlaac and Explosive Barrel trap.

Dialogue System
Working dialog system which would let users skip text and was easily editable by designers.

Storyline progress and dialog events
I created every dialog trigger for all characters as well as the different events the game’s story has.

Dialog System
Scene Save and Load
Explosive Barrel + Sarlacc Trap