Òscar Tarrés

Òscar Tarrés - ARTIST

Òscar Tarrés

Hey, I'm Òscar Tarrés and I've been working as an artist for this project. During the development of The Mandalorian: Sands of Arvala, I mainly worked on animating most of the characters and, apart from that, i also worked on doing the first approaches of the particles. Doing all of that was way harder than I expected at the beginning of the project but it taught me many things that will help me in the future.

Leaving my job aside, I had a lot of fun working with all my teammates and I learned a lot of things that I will for sure, use in the future.


Mando animations
I've worked on mando animations since the beginning of the project and it was really hard. At the beginning we could just use already done animations but sooner i had to create my own animations, for example, the dash. It was really stressful at some point but, watching the result at the end, made it wroth.

Blurrg animations
I created some of the Blurrg animations and I have to say that it was way simpler that I expected. I thought that having to create the whole rigging would make the process way slower and difficult but at the end it looked better than expected.

SandStorm Trooper animations
Making these animations was the easiest part of the project as I made use of Mixamo, a perfect tool to animate characters.

IG-11 animations
The IG-11 was one of the hardest parts of the project. I had to create the rigging and paint a lot of skin weights which gave a lot of problems. Apart from that, I had to watch a lot of clips from the "The Mandalorian" to create animations that looked exactly like the tv serie.

Jawa animations
Doing the jawa's animations was really fun to do as I had to create "random" animations for them.

Armorer animations
Armorer animations required more work than expected. Once again, I used Mixamo to create a first approach but at the end I changed some keyframes on Maya to create a different animation.

First approach particles
This was, by far, the most difficult task I had to do. Creating the particles and the texture was really hard for me and required me to work a lot of hours (way more than expected). All the particles required a big amount of iterations to finally look good enough.