Marc San José


Marc San José

Hi everyone! I am Marc San José and I have been part of the art team in "The Mandalorian: Sands of Arvala". I have always loved art, everything that involves art: drawing, painting, music... and in this project my main task was to search, create and edit audios effects and musics for the game which I enjoyed a lot.

With this project I have learned a lot from different programs and tools which are important to use for the game audio and develop and improve my skills with them and I also learned how to work in big teams.


Audio searching
Searching audios that fit properly the game, that doesn't have copyright or are free domain.

Audio editing and creation
Once I had the idea of what we needed, I decided to create some audios and edit them to fit the game or, for some others that were more difficult to create, I used some audios searched for reference and edit them. The program I used to edit most of the audios is Audacity.

Wwise integration
I also learned a lot to use Wwise, which is a program used mainly for game audio integration. With this program I created the events of the actions some character does, or the events for the music, the weapons sounds... and organize them and having the audios well structured with its correct event and created the soundbanks required to integrate the audios into the game engine.

IG-11 death
Dark trooper death
Music level