Jordi Espriu


Jordi Espriu

Hi! I'm Jordi Espriu and I have been a designer for "The mandalorian: Sands of Arvala" video game. In this project we were presented with a lot of goals we had to achieve and a lot of design features we were expected to match.

Eventhough it has been a rough way I personally feel like I have grown and learnt as a designer and that I have learnt how to work with proper pipelines and with a proper communication with both the rest of designers and the rest of the departments

- I have learnt to communicate more with my teammates.
- I have learnt how to work and create pipelines.
- I have improved my scrum master skills.
- I have improved my level design knowledge.
- I have improved my gameplay design skills.


Main Character Design
I was in charge of making the first iteration of the player. I created it's stats and later on my fellow teammates have re-designed them as the project progressed and necessary changes were made. I also created an animations list for all the animations we needed for the main character and designed the controls.

Particles Design
I made a design of the particles I wanted in the game in Unity Engine. Those were the main character particles, enemies particles, and some overall particles. However, because of technical issues only a few of them have made it to the final release.

Level design
I designed some blockouts and created some of the levels you can see in the game. This was a very long iterative process where we had to change the blockouts and the final art many times in order to achieve a desirable result. This was the task that took me the longest.

Enemies iteration
I iterated the enemies previously designed by other teammates and thanks to Sebas's excel I was able to test the enemies and make the necessary changes to improve the fun and balance of the game.

PlayTesting and fixes
For this last delivery my main tasks where fixing some enemy values in order to balance them and test all the levels and put/delete enemies depending on the difficulty of the level. The main task was filling the levels with more enemies while trying to keep the balance.

Player controls
Dust trail and shoot particles
Level creation
Blurrg balancing in engine