David Rami


David Rami

Greetings I’m David Rami and I have been a programmer for The Mandalorian: Sands of Arvala game. I have mainly focused on gameplay programming and in improving the Physics System. During this project I have improved a lot due to my interactions with so many different programmers, finding out what everybody considers good or bad code or seeing how different people tackle challenges in different ways has made me realise a lot of my mistakes and flaws and it has pushed me closer to fixing them. I have also grown more accustomed to reading and understanding code from other people which helped me complement it instead of writing all over it, making cooperative work easier and the code cleaner.


Physics System
I worked on a Physics System the last semester with a companion so we were in charge of adapting it and implementing it in the engine. It makes use of PhysX and at the start of the project it handled basic collisions and allowed game objects to have basic control over their rigidbody. Since then we added collider rendering, to debug while using the engine, collision detection, to enable communication from the Physics System to the Scripting System, and collider filtering, to have further control over which colliders interact with each other.

Object System
Using the Scripting System I designed and coded an inheritance based system to ease the interaction between game objects with scripts, the basic classes are Entities, objects that have complex behaviors and interact with the game world through physics ( the player, enemies… ), Weapons, objects that are meant to be used by the entities and allow the spawn of projectiles and mimic a gun's behaviour, and Environment, static objects with a specific and simple behaviour ( explosive barrels, sand traps, items…).

Item System
An extension of the Object System, these objects enhance the player and can be bought in the shop or picked up from chests, this system reads data from human readable files to create different item pools and when activated each item gives an upgrade to the player or his weapons. In this topic I also implemented most item related menus such as the Item Purchase Menu or the Player Item Display.

Gameplay Features
Apart from general systems I have also worked on more specific features of the gameplay, the most notable being, the player loading, saving and basic logic, the companion ability ( Grogu ) and it’s behaviour, the implementation of gravity related features like the respawn of the player when falling off of a clift, the explosive barrel and electrocuting tower behaviours and the Turret and Dark Trooper enemy.

Collider Debug
Item UI
Grogu Ability
Barrel exploding
Vaporizer electrocuting entities
Turret Enemy