Alex Lopez


Alex Lopez

Hello! I am Alex Lopez and I have been designer for "The Mandalorian - Sands of Arvala". During this project we had to face different challenges and difficulties like work in a big group or designing an interesting game.

Although we had lots of difficulties, I think that it has been a very interesting experience and I liked to take part in it. Also, it allowed me to learn more about the creation of video games and about myself.

- I have learnt a lot about level design and gameplay design.
- I have learnt that communication between every member is a key factor to create video games.
- I have learnt how to work with different pipelines.
- I have learnt that is better to finish your work as soon as possible to improve it and help others.


Enemies Documentation
During all the project I was in charge along with other designers of defining the general enemies, their behaviours, strengths and weaknesses and stats and then I prototyped it.

Enemies Iteration
Once the enemies where implemented, I had to iterate them a lot in order to adjust their stats and balance them.

Sidekick Design
I designed the sidekick ability and prototyped it along with other design mates.

I designed some of the levels of the game and made different iterations with them.

During the final sprint I tested the game searching bugs. I was more focused on testing enemies, but finally I tested the overall of the game.

Sandstorm Trooper