Albert Robles


Albert Robles

Hi, my name is Albert Robles. I have been a designer for The Mandalorian: Sands of Arvala. During the development of this game I have mainly worked on the design of the whole UI and UX of the player and keeping the game narratively accurate to the Star Wars lore. Working on this project has been challenging while also motivating, it's great building something like this with such a big team. I feel like some of our expectations weren't met because of the short team we had comparing to other similar projects, but even with this obstacle we managed to pull off a quite fun game that feels great to play. This experience has been great to understand what working on an actual studio would be and I can't wait to do something like this in the future.


UI Design
I have designed the whole HUD in-game aswell as all the menus in the game. Even some menus like the inventory which didn't make it into the final game. Also, I designed some possible transitions that we could use but only one made it into the game.

I've worked on the design and blockout production for some levels of the game and the boss rooms.

I helped updating the player and enemy behaviour, balanced some of the weapons stats and finally designed the reward economy for the items in-game.

Close to the last month of development, I've been testing the builds we had with different people, trying to understand their vision and insights of the game looking and playing at it for the first time.

UI Draft
Blockout Boss Room
Result Boss Room