Albert Espinosa



Hello! My name is Albert Espinosa and I've worked as a programmer during the development of "The Mandalorian - Sands of Arvala". This project has been a big test for my skills as a game developer and has forced me to adapt to an ammout of work that I had never experienced before. Moreover, I felt one of the most difficult tasks was keeping up wih the interest and motivation over time, trying to deliver the same quality of work no matter the success of the previous deliveries.

This whole experience has led me to make a big leap forward professionally and has also contributed to my personal development. I feel I have improved my ability to stick to a schedule, to organise tasks in advance, and with my teamwork skills.


Particle System
The first and most important task I developed during the project is the Particle System. I went for a modular approach to make sure it was easy to work with from the engine prespective, confortable to upgrade and update, and reliable. Through the different stages of the project, the system has been evolving and taking shape. Going from a first iteration with black particles that didn't even disappear propperly, to custom effects with various emitters involved that frankly have exceded my expectations!

IG11 - second boss
I programmed the second version of IG11 that adds a bombing attack and a line attack to the set of abilities the original IG11 has available.

Fixing Enemies
The last weeks, I spent most of the time remaking prefabs of the enemies, adding the improved animations, textures and models that arrived from art.

Particles First Iteration
Dash Particles
IG12 Shoot Attack
IG12 Boombing Attack