Adrián Mirabel


Adrián Mirabel

Hi, I am Adrián Mirabel programmer of The Mandalorian: Sands of Arvala. Working in this game was a compleatelly new experience, from interpersonal relationships to programming challenges; during the project development my motivation levels fluctuated a lot, recovering confidence in the project was what I strugglet the most. Overall It was an amazing experience thanks to these incredible teammates.


Audio Integration
Sands of Arvala audio has been integrated using the middleware Wwise. During the weeks of the progect I was incharge of creating "Componets Audio Source and Audio Listener", that includes everything related to send and recive information of the current audio state to Wwise. As the audio programmer I implemented the SFX and Music of the game.
These 3 last weeks I was responsible of Wwise project too.

NavMesh Integration
I implemented a very basic navigation mesh, being able to bake, save and render it, following a Unity structure and using Recast-Navigation library; all of this wasn't able to be implemented without Jordi Bach's help.
Also, each scene has his own plane.fbx to generate a custom navigation mesh.

Enemies Pathfinding
When the navmesh was correctly implemented, I created a Component NavMesh Agent and modified the enemies behaviour, previously created by David Rami, to work with pathfinding.

Sand & Dark Trooper Animations
Using animations from Mixamo and the MOCAP, I created Sandtrooper & Darktrooper.fbx correcting the problems found.

QA & Bug fixing
As the last day came I playtested and solved some bugs in the game.